Thursday, April 15, 2010


Looking at each of these pictures, I see a common thread.


Basketball is one of my favorite things in the world. I love the competition, the adrenaline rush, the sound of the fans cheering, the feel of running down the court full speed, but the main thing I love is the intensity of the game.

There's nothing like being in the last minute of the game, you're behind quite a few points, but there's still a chance to win the game. It's in that last minute that the hearts of the players are seen. The ones that don't really care give up. The ones whose hearts are in it are the ones who are still playing full-speed when the buzzer sounds.

I'm purposing to be one of the ones who are giving my all for Jesus up until the last moment. Forget living half-heartedly. I want to live with intensity and a fire for God. An intensity that inspires others.


  1. Wow, Whitney, that was an intense post! Heehee! Thanks for the great reminder to live life to the end on full steam and whole- heartedly.

  2. Intense is just the right word for those pictures. That's the way I want to live my life too. I want to be whole-heartedly for Christ until the very last minute.

  3. Great pictures! It makes me want to get out there and play Basketball!;-) What a good challenge too. May we all give our best for God, our whole heart, in serving Him with our lives. :-)
